Pocket Sized Pep Talks

Race Rule In Business

Episode Summary

To be successful in business and navigate positive professional relationships, you need to know how to connect with people and build trust, and that means cuing into race relations as well. Author Fatimah Gilliam sits down with Rob and explains how business professionals and leaders in the 21st century need to understand the rules of engagement across racial lines to establish trust. That means learning how to communicate, interact, and engage in ways that aren’t racially insensitive and offensive.

Episode Notes

In this Pocket Sized Pep Talk, you'll learn:

To Learn More About This Author:

Email              info@theazaragroup.com

Website           www.fatimahgilliam.com

LinkedIn         www.linkedin.com/in/fatimahgilliam

Twitter            @fatimahgilliam

Instagram        @fatimah_gilliam