Pocket Sized Pep Talks

Let's Talk About Money!

Episode Summary

Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “Money often costs too much.” Even the conversation of money can make people feel uncomfortable. My guest, Peter Neuwirth, has a gift, and that gift is the ability to explore and articulate the world of money. It's a challenge for just about everyone but there are ways to not just survive, but to thrive!

Episode Notes

In this Pocket Sized Pep Talk, we learn from Peter Neuwirth, a man who has spent over four decades serving in significant leadership positions at a variety of firms. Peter discusses many key points from his recently published book, Money Mountaineering including: 

For more information on Pete Neuwirth, go to his website: https://peterneuwirth.com 

For more information on Pete's book, Money Mountaineering: https://www.amazon.com/Money-Mountaineering-Principles-Holistic-Financial/dp/1642938335/ref=sr_1_3?crid=12NB3GW61BL0Z&dchild=1&keywords=money+mountaineering&qid=1632501940&sprefix=money+mount%2Caps%2C136&sr=8-3