Pocket Sized Pep Talks
Change Champions
Episode Summary
Are you a champion of change? Oh, I’m sure your organizations is trying to transform its culture to be more inclusive and sensitive to diversity, but how’s that going for you? Lifetime achievement award recipient, co-author of four books Fred Miller sits down with Rob and talks about his book, Change Champions, for a powerful and motivational conversation about becoming the leader you are meant to be!
Episode Notes
In this Pocket Sized Pep Talk, you'll learn:
- About the book, Change Champions – and its focus.
- What makes this book and Fred's ideas different than other approaches?
- Examples of the impact of using Change Champions.
- Approaches to getting buy-in from Senior Leader about implementing Change Champions and some of the most important things that they have to be willing to do.
- How this book found Fred and his co-authors, Judith Katz and Monica Biggs.
- Two lessons learned somewhere in your journey that had the biggest impact on your career or life?”
- Two people who have been the most influential to Fred in his journey.
- Tell us about the Kaleel Jamison Consulting Group, How it started? What is the primary work? Who have you worked with?